ArtikPix By RinnApps

Individuals with speech issues can use ArtikPix to practice sounds and words at program.

Utilizing fun and modern graphics, ArtikPix has a deck of “th” cards with features such as recorded audio, voice recording, and data collection. In app purchases enable all features with a total possible 21 decks with 40 cards each (113 cards in r deck, 913 total cards) for the following sounds: th, f, v, ch, sh, k, g, s, z, l, r, s-blends, r-blends, l-blends, p, b, m, n, t, d, j. The decks are combined, selected for sound group (e.g., beginning th, er), then practiced in full-featured flashcard and matching activities.

In the flashcard activity, the sound groups are ordered and configured for shuffling to individualize practice for individuals using the words alone and in sentences. The flashcards are then practiced in an easy-to-use flick album. In the matching activity, the words are randomized in easy (3 pairs), medium (6 pairs), and hard (10 pairs) levels. The matching activity is a fun way for individuals to practice their speech sounds while data is still collected.

Pros: As as a staff working on articulation at program,  you’ll come to love this app! I really love the recording feature and the sentence cards.

Cons: The one thing I would change would be the scoring icons and sound effects. The frowny face when they miss one is a bit discouraging. I would prefer to have just a check or a plus or something – and a way to turn the sound effects off.

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